Friday, August 1, 2008

Module V - I'm Pumped!!!

Hey, Everybody!!! (I actually think it's just you, Patsy, but, what the heck!)

I believe I have done it! And, this Module has been my most enjoyable and least challenging (is there a connection?) in Blue 2.0. Perhaps, I just had a greater comfort level with these two applications. Anyway, I enjoyed Google Docs, found it very simple to use, and can see the potential for editing/creating, etc.

But, Facebook, now that is fun..........I finally got up the courage to let friends view (no, Connie, it doesn't have to be finished - we're all works in progress). Joined the IAS group, friended everyone who had tried to friend me before, additionally friended Claire and David S., and found out that Enid W. and I have a favorite local musician in common. But, now, to the most amazing part (at least, to me). I joined a Van Morrison fan group and was simply looking at the postings when I noticed a post that mentioned "Madame George" as their favorite VM song. On a whim, I quickly wrote back and said, but of course, it's his masterpiece, etc. etc. Then, my newly found friend wrote RIGHT BACK, said I am in Belfast, Ireland right now (VM's home) looking for Cypress Avenue - the title of a VM classic. Whoa - it blew me away. We are still talking!

Anyway, Miss Patsy, I believe I'm I, huh? did I do it, huh? am I? am I?

Cheers! It's been fun! What's next, everyone?

Module IV - Twitterpod

Hello! I feel like I'm closing in on completing Blue 2.0 - dadgummit - I'm going to do it before the bells toll on August 13th (yes, Patsy, I know we have "plenty of time" afterwards, but it's a code of honor, now!)

Anyway - one thing I've noticed about this entire experience is I cannot participate in Blue 2.0 and multitask in any significant way. This takes some concentration for me......I'm wondering if digital native brains are now wired differently so that these exercises would be more intuitive. I mean....I have to follow directions and refer to them frequently @;-}

Anyway, I've also noticed that there is a sort of rhythm to the whole process. Once I get all of my pages open and can toggle back and forth between Blue 2.0, my blog and whatever app I'm actually working on - it feels good!

Okay, when I got on to complete this Module - I forgot that I had already engaged in Twitter - an application I believe I would find annoying if I got too heavily involved. On Facebook, I can see what friends are doing without it being quite as intrusive. Also, when I first got onto Twitter, AC Entertainment was immediatly "tweeting" me and I had to remove them!

Now, the podcasting section - that's a different story! I love this application and believe it has so much potential for not just higher education pedagogy but all K-20. So many are way in front of us - I have an article about the Duke University podcasting effort on my syllabus but that doesn't mean UK can't catch up I'm hoping to be able to introduce new elements into my course weekly this semester through using this tool (best laid plans, etc.).

Nevertheless, here is the podcast I created officially for my course with Patsy's assistance as the interviewee - thanks, Patsycat!

'Bout to go to the final segment - yes!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Module 3 - Meebo

Hey! Just for grins @;-} - I went back and signed up on Meebo. Believe I've done this correctly, included "patsycat" as a buddy and was also able to see that my daughter, Sarah, was on g-mail. Who else is using Meebo. My username is "saygeronimo" (in reference to a fabulous old Van Morrison song entitled "Fair Play" - I would suggest checking it out on I-Tunes but Van is not a part of that vast musical conspiracy).

Monday, July 21, 2008

Play Week - Google Applications - Amazing Options!!!

Okay - I admit it - my professional vanity got the better of me and I looked myself up on Google Scholar - pitiful! Just a few quick observations. First of all, the suggested search strategy for an author does not work well. When I put in the suggested "C. Baird" (initial and last name in quotes) - I did not quickly find any of my publications listed. However, when I returned and listed Constance Baird (no quotes) - four of my publications were on the front page.

Google Scholar does have nice features which I'll highlight using one of my own citations:

Progressive partnering: Expanding student and faculty access to information services - all 4 versions »LL Lillard, P Wilson, CM Baird - The Eleventh Off-Campus Library Services Conference …, 2004 - Expanding Student and Faculty Access to Information Services Linda L. LillardPat Wilson Constance M. Baird University of Kentucky SUMMARY. ... Cited by 1 - Related Articles - Web Search

First of all, if applicable, the publication is listed in different versions ("all 4 versions" above). Here, the above article appeared in conference proceedings, as a book chapter as well as a journal article. Also, under "Cited by 1" - you can identify other papers that cited articles in the group. I was pleased to see that a colleague had cited the article in a new publication on library instruction to distance learning students. Also, when you click on the "versions" or "cited" feature - it takes you directly to the electronic version of the article if you are affiliated with a library. Finally, when I clicked on "Web Search" - I found that we had been included in a published bibliography from the University of Victoria - cool!

This is still a growing resource but has unique features that are valuable to the researches/scholar.

I also used Google Earth's "ruler" feature and was able to accurately chart the exact mileage on my nightly "walking trail" - 2.2 miles. Who says technology can't contribute to a healthy lifestyle??? And, as do many of my Blue 2.0 colleagues - I regularly use G-chat with Gmail.

The only really frustrating thing about this segment was, as usual, never enough time for all of the interesting options - even within Google Applications!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Module 2 - Woefully Behind!!!

Oh, good grief! Along with Patsy, I seem to have taken a vacation from our Blue 2.0 experience and am now paying the price of "catch-up". So...................late to the party for blogging about my experience with feeds, wikis, tagging etc. Interestingly enough, I got completely "bogged" down in commenting on another blog. My feeble mind doesn't want to replicate the discouraging experience at this point. But, suffice it to say, I got encouragement from Blue 2.0 party goers at our bash in late June and, finally, successfully commented on a great video posted on AV Connect!

I'm also pleased to have subscribed to The Motley Fool feed through Bloglines - trying to learn more about the stock market from these Lexington, KY brothers.

And, thanks to working with our DLP GA, Kristen Barras, I currently have a pbwiki for my upcoming graduate course on Distance Education: Management and Support - I want my students to use the wiki to discuss course and related issues outside of the, on occasion, limited confines of Blackboard. Please feel free to access but participation is limited to students enrolled in EDS 652. If you have more interest in the complete Graduate Certificate in Distance Education - let me know!!!

I believe I've completed everything for this Module - off to be creative with Module 3 - I forgot to play during play week!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tend to Your Garden/Blog

Hello, readers (if any you be!). I have been negligent about tending to my blog and, much like a garden, intellectual weeds have grown right under my feet and I find myself getting reoriented to the environment. Anyway, I'm moving into the next assignments and am finally delighted to have the parenthetical description of metadata - "descriptive information". How simple the definition and how confusing the term!

Anyway, one seed for thought as we proceed. In visiting different spots in my garden, I'm always delighted witht the botanical serendipity therein - a lamb's ear pops up where only beebalm grew; a yellow coreopsis visits in my pastel patch of yarrow. There is, to my mind, intellectual serendipity as well - and, it occurs most frequently when I allow myself the luxury of exploring a new website or reading a peer-reviewed (of course!) article that may be peripheral to my discipline. I always find new growth emerging - and I welcome the new "interlopers" (plants and ideas) into my gardens!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Fertile Ground for Videos

Greetings! This is the second portion of this Web 2.0 exercise - embedding a video in my blog. First of all, if continuity is at all important in one's blog - one needs to remember what font type, size and color you used when posting your first entry. I didn't - so I'm not sure if this will reflect consistency - but we're just practicing - whew! continue with the blog theme - I performed several different searches on Kentucky gardens; Kentucky gardening; Kentucky landscaping; Kentucky horticulture and came up with, as you might imagine, a wide assortment of video selections including container gardening with baby diapers for liners; "rock gardening" in Harlan County with four-wheelers; gardening tips from a crusty octogenarian and, finally, my choice Mickey's Garden (1935) from Walt Disney. Of course, the quality and content is wonderful and entertaining. I'm mystified, however, that is is available on YouTube. Can anyone explain the copyright complexities here? Anyway, please enjoy Micky and Pluto in this wonderful, summertime dreamscape.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blog Bog - Too Many Choices

I'm simply amazed at how simple this first experience is - technologically speaking. The problem arose when I had to choose a Blog Topic - eeegads! Too many choices and too many interests.

Hence, I chose one right outside my window - the fine - and challenging - art of gardening. I write this to the melody of the cicadas that have come to occupy our yard here on Lancaster Rd. in the state's fifth largest county (go look it up!) @;-}

I hope to continue this blog throughout the summer - check back for more "Seeds for Thought" during the summer months as we continue our We 2.0 experience.